- Mitie与皇家伦敦集团签订了为期五年的综合FM合同, with option to extend for a further two years
- Contract covers a number of services, including engineering, cleaning, waste management, security, helpdesk, front of house and remote monitoring solutions
- Mitie将部署其市场领先的技术解决方案,帮助皇家伦敦优化其工作空间布局, 实现可持续发展目标,提高能源效率
Mitie已经与皇家伦敦签订了一份新的综合设施管理(IFM)合同, the UK’s largest mutual life insurance, pensions and investment company. 这是皇家伦敦航空公司首次将其FM澳博官方网站与一家供应商合并,并签订了为期五年的初始合同, with the option to extend for an additional two years.
根据合同,Mitie将在爱丁堡的皇家伦敦基地提供大量FM澳博官方网站, London and Wilmslow. 该合同的一个重点将涉及整合Mitie的行业领先技术, such as its remote monitoring solutions, into its engineering services, to make the sites more efficient. 这将通过安装传感器来远程监控每个建筑物的关键基础设施, such as heating and lighting systems, are performing, 通过提醒工程师任何潜在问题来减少停机时间和维修成本. 该系统还将收集和分析实时数据,以便将暖通空调系统和恒温器设置为最佳水平. 这也将有助于提高皇家伦敦建筑的能源效率, 为了在未来五年内将庄园的能源消耗减少至少10%. This is part of Mitie’s newly launched ‘Zero Carbon for Zero Cost’ service, meaning energy and cost savings are offset, 这样就有可能在没有大量投资的情况下实现绿色目标.
Mitie will also use sensors, which are installed across the buildings, to collect data on workplace occupancy. 然后,这些见解将用于实施计划,以确保最有效地利用空间, 例如重新配置办公室布局以适应入住率的变化.
As part of the new contract Mitie will provide engineering, cleaning, waste management, security, helpdesk, 以及三个不同地点的前台澳博官方网站, to provide a complete end-to-end service. This will be done by providing a concierge-style service, Mitie的团队将负责一些面向客户的任务, ranging from reception services to portering, setting-up meeting rooms and housekeeping. Mitie will also roll-out its ‘Aria’ workplace engagement application, 这样皇家伦敦的员工就可以很容易地联系Mitie的员工,在现场强调任何潜在的问题, such as AV connectivity problems in meeting rooms.
Carlo Alloni, Managing Director, Technical Services and Integrated Facilities Management, Mitie, said:
“我们非常自豪能够被皇家伦敦集团选中,交付其第一个完全集成的FM合同, 在我们所有的澳博官方网站中建立一个无缝集成的团队. 我们在提供具有成本效益的可持续发展计划方面的行业领先技术和专业知识将支持皇家伦敦的绿色目标,并改善员工的工作场所体验, 同时确保其建筑能够响应更灵活和定期变化的工作环境.”
Jon Glen, Group Operations Director, Royal London said:
“As the leaders in innovative workplace technologies, we’re excited to be working with Mitie to enhance our sites, 改善我们的设施管理澳博官方网站,并透过节约能源减少排放. Mitie理解我们的目标,即发展我们的工作空间,为我们的员工提供合适的环境,帮助他们取得成功. 我们期待着将我们的团队聚集在一起,创造良好的工作空间.”
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随着国家准备让英国恢复商业,封锁限制开始放松, 英国各地的组织都在考虑如何为“新常态”的运营方式做准备. To support those planning a return to workplaces, Mitie能源公司推出了一项新的零碳零成本澳博官方网站,以帮助企业推动绿色复苏, 作为其承诺到2025年实现净零碳排放的零计划的一部分.
Mitie推出了新的行业领先的“零计划”承诺, 承诺到2025年实现净零碳排放.